Monday, December 7

Thomas' Christmas Funny

Today I was being weird (imagine!!) and singing in the kitchen, loudly and operatic and obnoxiously. There's No Place Like Home For the Holidays. I was interrupted by Thomas saying that the song didn't make any sense. So I explained: "that the people who live in Tennessee (that is a state in the south) want to go home to Pennsylvania (more north) for some home-made pumpkin pie. The Pennsylvania folks are driving down to Dixie's sunny shore (Dixie is down south). From Atlantic (ocean) to Pacific (ocean) see the traffic is horrific. Everyone wants to go home for the holidays and be with their family and traditions. So even when you move, you want to be back home."

"But, it still doesn't make any sense mom!"
"Why Tom, what don't you understand?"
"Well, why does this guy keep moving so many times??"

"Oh, (trying not to laugh too hard) cute's not a song about 1 guy...but everyone in the world..... "

Holy Cow, funny Christmas stuff this year!!

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