Monday, June 15

Money Sucks!!!!!

We are so in trouble right now. Even paycheck-to-paycheck isn't working. Well...Qwest is an auto draft thing...but we called to cancel it this month, and pay it manually after payday. But, they couldn't because it had already been "spooled".

So this morning I call the bank to do a stop on the auto withdrawal (no fee). 5 minutes later, auto draft canceled, no problem!!!

So, go to Walgreen's to pick up ANTI-DEPRESSANT, and my card doesn't work. Fish out platinum card, then called the bank. We are -$220.00! What. I looked this morning, while on the phone with the bank and we had $48.??

After getting home, I go online, and indeed, Qwest has gone through, putting us in the negative, therefore charging us $20.00 more. After calling the bank, and ever so sweetly talking to the poor girl who answered the phone...she can fix it...just a minute.

1 minute later..I can't fix this because it is after 2:00pm, and so we cannot go back in and revoke payment. I am soooooo sorry. I can waive the fee, and any others that happen because of this. When they stopped the Qwest, they didn't do it with the DRAFTS, but with the AUTO-DEPOSITS!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, lets stop being paid, that is what I wanted). So, her manager fixed it so that we can get paid on Thursday...but holy hell! How hard is it to cancel something correctly!!!!!!!!!