Friday, March 27

Blue and Gold

We have the best cub masters in the whole scouting program! For our Blue and Gold banquet 2 weeks ago, we had one of the state "drug dogs" come. His trainer told us all about him, and how they train them. It was so cool.

These dogs are trained to work, not play. But they don't know the difference, so to them, working is playing. The trainer had a magnetic box/can that had been in with some drugs (marijuana) so it had the scent of the drugs. He hid it really well, and once the dog came into the room, he ran right over to the area and kept "looking" until he had pinpointed where the drugs were. It was amazing!

Then, a man in our ward who is a guard at the governor's mansion, got into the padded suit, and they staged an attack. Again, the dogs are trained to keep hold of the perpetrator until he is subdued. The trainer told the man to "halt" and when he didn't, and the dog went crazy. He jumped up on him, and bit into his shoulder, and was thrashing around. The trainer had to actually go and pry him off the "perp".

The scouts (and their sibling) loved it. He opened it up for questions at the end, which is how we know what kind of drug was in the can!!! It was such a cool night!

Tuesday, March 24

New Blog Address

I have started an additional blog. I love sharing my family life with all my friends, but I need a place to share just me. Good, Bad and Ugly. So, if you want to watch me self-destruct...or heal...check out my new blog:

Monday, March 23

Biggest WInner!!!!!

Sorry, but I did not win $1,000. However, today was the final weigh in, and (drum roll please...) I lost a total of 31 pounds since the first of the year!!! I have much more to go, but feel really good and motivated!
They did take before and after pictures at the gym, and they are going to email them. Once I have those, I will post them!!!

Monday, March 16

Biggest Looser Looser!

So, there is one week left in the contest, and I am in 4th place in the Layton gym (Lady Fitness). I have lost 7% of my body weight! However, 4th place doesn't get a prize, and the $1,000 prize is for the biggest total looser in the Layton, Roy and Pleasant View gyms. So, I am the biggest looser looser!

But, I feel good. I have a pretty regular work out schedule, and I feel so much better. You know, there is a ton of research on depression and exercise...and who knew, all those studies are right! You do feel better and less down when you are getting enough sleep and exercise!!

Thanks for the positive feedback, and I will keep posting pictures as I keep loosing!

February 3

March 13
Maybe someday (1995)

Monday, March 9

NOT the Biggest Looser

So, for the first time in 6 weeks (longer, really) I weighed in today for my contest, and I was up! Terrible. The girl who is doing the best (she has won 3 weekly prizes) was griping that she only lost 2 pounds. Oh, so sad for you! She apparently worked out 12 times last week! 12 times!! I only did 3 days, so I guess that shows why she is down, and I am not!
This week will be better!
Yeah, NO picture!!